This project investigates the potential of decentralized recommender systems that allow users to own and control their digital profiles, reducing the impact of Surveillance capitalism. Through speculative design techniques, including “imagining machine” workshops, collaborative ideation, and in-home deployments, it explores potential designs rather than offering specific technological solutions. The outcome is a new methodology that promotes speculative thinking and offers guidelines for complex technologies, translating innovative tech concepts into foundational resources for further research and design.
Throughout this project, I had the valuable opportunity to engage with various experts, an experience that I found greatly enriching and fulfilling. This was the first project where I delved into the application of diverse research methodologies, sparking a genuine interest and enjoyment in exploring and adapting various approaches. The joy I found in the process was unexpected but rewarding. Presenting the project at conferences and discussing it with professors and fellow researchers elevated the work, instilling in me a deeper appreciation for collaboration and shared academic discourse. Furthermore, having the opportunity to showcase this project at the Milan Design Week was a crucial milestone. This exposure added a new dimension to the project, allowing it to be explored and understood from a different perspective.
– The accepted CHI Workshop position paper, that is based on this project, can be found at the bottom of the page.
– The art piece, that is based on this project, that was exhibited at Salone di Mobile at the Milan Design week can be found at the bottom of the page.
Coaches: Kristina Andersen
Experts: Peter Knees, Troy Nachtigall, Doenja Oogjes, Audrey Desjardins, Daniel Buzzo, David Chatting, Ron Wakkary, Niya Stoimenova, Lei Nelissen

Recommendation booklet

Home deployment prototype – photo was taken by Pei-Ying Lin

Overview of workshops – photo taken by Pei-Ying Lin

Exhibited art work at Salone di Mobile at the Milan Design week – How would it look like to wear your data?